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Plan your organization's first weeks on Friday Pulse

Using Friday Pulse for the first time? Here’s a simple guide to help you make the most of your first few weeks and beyond, whether you’re measuring weekly or monthly.

first weeks on Friday


What Friday Pulse does:

Friday Pulse measures your happiness and culture scores to establish a baseline for you. An initial invitation and reminders will be sent to all of your users introducing them to Happiness at work and the Five Ways to Happiness at Work. Read more about how friday Pulse helps you measure emaployee experience here

Once your questions close, we’ll also send everyone a notification that your results are ready to view. Remember, everyone can view their own personal results as well as the results for their team/s in the hierarchy and the overall account results.

What you can do while questions are open:

  • If they haven’t already done so, encourage teams to schedule regular discussions of their results to match the cadence of your measurement. Measuring weekly? Ask teams to have a 10-15 minute conversations every week. For monthly measurement, team conversations should happen monthly and will need more time, such as 30-45 minutes. We package up team results in the Presentation to guide results conversations.
  • Share a company-wide update on initial results, recognizing strengths and acknowledging any challenges you see in the results at the account level. In the Help Center, you’ll find ideas on things organizations can try to improve each score – we recommend focusing on one topic area in a quarter and your Impact report provides guidance on where to start.
  • Suggest teams schedule specific time to review their team Culture Profile scores. They can use their team Impact report to identify one key focus area for the quarter too. The Help Center also provides practical ideas to help teams act on their chosen area of focus.

Pulse check-ups

What Friday Pulse does:

Each week or month (depending on your chosen package), Friday Pulse will send a everyone an invite and reminders to non-respondents to respond that week/month. Notifications are also sent once results are ready.

What you can do:

  • Support teams to consistently review and discuss their results. Results conversations are better with scores, but teams shouldn’t skip a conversation if there’s a low response rate. As the team to have the conversation anyway, using the Presentation to guide the discussion, so people know these results discussions will happen each time you measure. This shows people that there is a reason for them to continue to respond.
  • Build engagement at the senior level by having leaders share insights and encourage feedback on system-wide improvements.
  • Keep communication open about the progress made and the initiatives being tried, reinforcing the importance of regular participation and learning.

Remember, Admins can adjust your Friday Pulse open and close days and times in your Account Settings.

Quarterly check-ins

What Friday Pulse does:

Every quarter, the platform will include the Culture Profile questions with your normal weekly or monthly questions for a deeper view of team and organizational dynamics. The date of your next Culture Profile measure is shown on the Scheduler page of your Account Settings.

What you can do:

  • Remind everyone about the quarterly Culture Profile check-in, sharing highlights and actions from the first or subsequent measures to reinforce that everyone’s voice matters.
  • While the questions are open, review your Participation report to identify teams needing extra encouragement to respond.
  • After results are ready, share key top-level insights into your results in a company-wide message – what scores are you proud of and what scores are lower, that you grateful people have told you isn’t quite where you’d like it to be yet? Engage leaders and focus groups to select an organization-wide area for improvement, aiming to make measurable changes before the next quarter.

Following this plan will help your organization build a culture of wellbeing and continuous improvement, empowering everyone to stay engaged and track progress over time.