Whether you’re launching Friday Pulse for the first time or planning a relaunch, this guide will help you communicate effectively with senior leaders, people managers, and other employees.

Looking after your organization’s culture is a collective effort. By encouraging everyone to engage with what it takes to be happy at work, you create a more positive and productive environment. This guide will help you ensure that people are onboard, feeling safe enough to respond honestly, and engaging with their team’s results.
Onboarding your Friday Pulse users
When launching Friday Pulse, users will receive an onboarding email introducing them to the platform and the importance of measuring happiness. This email will feature a personalized message from the key figure in your organization that you choose, like a Senior Leader or Happiness Champion.
In their first question flow, users will be asked to:
- Add their Happiness Score for the week or month.
- Provide Notes in four categories: Celebrations, Thank-yous, Frustrations, and Ideas.
- Answer 15 Culture Profile questions to assess key happiness drivers (Connect, Be Fair, Empower, Challenge, Inspire).
- Respond to two questions to help their understanding of privacy of scores in Friday Pulse and share their initial feelings about using the platform.
Your communications plan
A strong communications plan ensures people will understand the purpose of Friday Pulse, what’s expected of them, and how the data will be used. To maximize engagement, it’s important to stagger your communications and repeat key messages.
Before launch
- Initial communications: Start with Senior Leaders, then People Managers, and finally other Employees.
- Follow-up opportunities: Use channels like newsletters, town hall meetings, and intranet posts to address questions and reinforce messaging.
Launch week
- Final reminders: Send a reminder just before launch to build anticipation.
- Launch day: Friday Pulse will send out invitations. Follow up with an organization-wide message to reiterate the initiative’s importance.
- Team meetings: Encourage teams to schedule meetings in advance to discuss their first set of results, after questions have closed
After launch
- Communicate insights: Share key insights with the organization to maintain transparency and engagement.
- Culture Profile discussions: Encourage teams to review their Culture Profile results every quarter.
- Ongoing pulse measures: Teams will continue to answer pulse questions weekly or monthly.
- Regular discussions: Teams should meet after each pulse measure to reflect on their results together using the Friday Pulse Presentation.
Consistency is key
To sustain engagement:
- Encourage team discussions after every pulse measure, whether they have scores showing or not – this sets the habit and encourages participation.
- Recognize teams with high response rates, and support those with lower participation.
- Remind teams of upcoming Culture Profile measures and emphasize their importance for themselves, their team and the organization.
Anchor company-wide participation efforts around the quarterly Culture Profile while tailoring individual support for teams with low response rates during the intervening weeks.
Communicating to different audiences
Each audience within your organization will have unique needs and expectations. Tailor your communication to highlight the specific benefits of Friday Pulse for each group.
- Leaders: Focus on how the platform supports strategic goals and drives organizational success.
- Managers: Emphasize how they can use results to improve team dynamics and fostering collaboration.
- Other Employees: Highlight the personal benefits, such as looking after their own happiness and a voice in shaping their work culture.
By tailoring your communications and fostering ongoing engagement, Friday Pulse will become a powerful tool for building a happier, more productive workplace.