For teams
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Useful questions to start a conversation about your Culture Profile scores
Once a quarter your team will have new data points on the drivers of happiness at work. It's useful to discuss these results together.
Tips for sharing frustrations in Friday Pulse
Happiness at work often comes down to removing two different sorts of frustrations.
Introducing Friday Pulse to your team
Short answers to the most common questions
Tips for sharing Ideas in Friday
Find out the best way to share your Ideas to help make work more enjoyable, better or easier for you and your team.
Logging in to Friday Pulse
Logging in to Friday Pulse is kept safe and secure using unique links to your personal Friday Pulse account.
Top tips for understanding your feelings
Understanding your own feelings is crucial to helping build emotional intelligence.
Top tips on creating an environment of psychological safety
Here are our top tips on how to create an environment where your team can feel free to share their ideas and thoughts about work.
Tips for Managers: Discussing happiness each week
How to help your team open up about their feelings, and not go into “fixing” mode.
The Presentation view
The Presentation view in Friday has been designed to help guide you through discussing your weekly results as a team.
Traps to avoid when talking about happiness
There’s no “right” way to approach your Friday results, but there are a few traps people can fall in to when trying to discuss their scores.
Tips for expressing frustrations in conversation
It can be difficult to express a frustration. We worry it will come out wrong, or be interpreted incorrectly.
Tips for discussing frustrations as a team
The process for working through frustrations as a team.
Dealing with unexpected and persistent frustrations
How to anticipate and accept what cannot be changed.
An active listening guide
Active listening is a key component of successful conversations.
Ground rules for good conversations
Really get the most out of your Friday results discussion by agreeing some ground rules.
Top tips for successful conversations
Some points to think about or put in place to have the best happiness conversations.
The value of good conversation
People explore their emotions and experiences at work in conversation with others
Sending a Thank-you to someone not using Friday Pulse
Thank-yous in Friday Pulse are the most commonly shared Note and now we’ve made it even easier to show your gratitude far and wide.
Why sharing frustrations in Friday Pulse is important
Frustration can be… frustrating! But they can be a force for good when harnessed positively.
Teams: Using your Friday Pulse results together
Measuring with Friday Pulse is only the first step in working together to look after happiness at work. Here we share the next steps to take as a team.
How Friday Pulse will give you a voice
Employee voice is crucial to the success of organizations of today.
How Friday Pulse protects your anonymity
To use Friday Pulse effectively, you need to feel safe about answering honestly.
Participating in Friday Pulse when you’re unhappy
Why it’s still worthwhile sharing how you feel, when how you feel is awful.
Why it’s a good idea to suggest an idea in Friday Pulse
Have an idea about improving things at work, but don’t feel you have the permission to offer it up? Now you do!
Getting you and your team ready for Friday Pulse
You want to kick off with a good response rate on Friday Pulse – it’ll give you representative results of how the team is feeling.
Using Slack commands in Friday Pulse
Slash commands allow you to interact with your Friday Pulse account from within Slack, without having to open the platform in your browser.
Top tips for leading with happiness
Leading with happiness can be very powerful. Here are our tips.
Why saying thank-you is important
Appreciation is one of the key drivers of happiness at work.
Why adding celebrations to Friday Pulse helps the team to perform
The science shows us that reflecting on the good stuff is important – for individuals, and for the team.
How Friday Pulse will help your team perform
Friday Pulse helps People Managers protect team morale and catch issues early.
How to use your Impact Report
Use your Impact Report to improve happiness in your team and organization