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How to add a Note when questions are closed

Even when questions are closed, you can still share your thoughts by adding a Note—whether it’s a comment, thank you or feedback.

If you have something to share outside of your regular pulse check-ins, you can add a free text Note at any time. Notes allow you to celebrate wins, express appreciation, or suggest improvements or share what’s causing friction in your work.

Add a Note

How to add a Note

Follow these steps to add a Note while questions are closed:

1. Log in to your Friday Pulse account

2. Navigate to Notes

  • Once logged in, go to Reports > Notes.

3. Select the type of Note to add

  • In the secondary menu bar, click on the ••• menu.
  • Choose the type of Note you want to add: Celebrations to highlight a success or positive moment, Thank you to express appreciation to a colleague or someone else who has helped your work, Frustrations to share a concern or challenge, and Ideas to suggest an improvement or activity.

4. Write and submit your Note

  • Enter your message.
  • If adding a Thank you, select the recipient/s by searching for the user, or add their email address/s if they are not a user of your account.
  • Click Add to share your Note.

Note: If you submit a Thank you, the recipient/s will receive a notification with your message.

By adding Notes, you ensure that your free text thoughts, feedback, and appreciation are captured—whenever they come to mind!