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Reporting features in Friday Pulse

The reports in Friday Pulse are designed to help you analyze and act on your Happiness and Culture Profile data.

How the scoring works

Find out what the colours mean in your responses and results, as well as how your results are calculated.

Response scales

Why we use a 5-point scale and the science behind these scales.

Understanding your Participation report

Find out how your response rates are calculated

Using your response rate data

How to make best use of response rate data

Filtering your results in Friday Pulse

Set up your user list to explore your results and dig in to the data.

Seeing your results by age and tenure

How to see how your colleagues are feeling by age and length of employment.

Identifying which of your scores have improved

Explore how your culture is changing with the Improvement tab on your Reports Overview page

When a change in score is a significant change

Explore how your culture is changing with the Improvement tab on your Reports Overview page

Your Impact Report

Pinpoint where to take action to improve happiness in your team and organization

About our benchmark variables

We offer three options for benchmarking your organization’s happiness and key drivers of happiness: Country, Sector and Company size.

How is your benchmark calculated

The Benchmarks in Friday have been calculated from our large research data set.

Why don't percentages always add up to 100%?

Results are rounded to the nearest whole number and so, if you add up the percentage scores, sometimes this will mean that will not quite add up to 100%.

Understanding the Risk report

The risk report is designed to help leaders proactively identify teams that may be at risk of underperformance, flight risk (turnover), or burnout.

Your Resilience Report

Friday’s Resilience report helps Admins, Senior leaders and Analysts to monitor how teams are coping and lend extra support when needed.