Could you be happier at work?
Take our quiz and find out! It takes just five minutes and you'll get a data-packed report afterwards.
Response rates signal whether you can trust your scores and so should be one of the first things you look at when viewing your results.
A response rate above 80% tells you that four out of five people have given their feedback – so you can feel confident your happiness scores reflect a majority view.
In our experience, a consistent low response rate (below 50%) is telling you one of these things:
Think about what a low response rate – either for the whole organization, or for a particular team - might be telling you. Consider if the response rate has always been low, or if it has dipped more recently. Reach out to offer help and support.
It’s good practice to look at your response rates alongside your scores. This will indicate whether changes in happiness are real or if they could be a consequence of a change in the proportion of people responding.