Making regular updates to your user list via import

It’s a good idea to keep your user list up to date, so that everyone who should be able to respond to Friday Pulse can, and everyone has the correct details.

There are two approaches to keeping your user list up to date via import. Which is most suitable for you will depend on how many changes you will be making in each update.

Option 1: Comparing lists and updating the Friday Pulse list

This option is ideal for minimal changes, such as employees joining or leaving. It helps you to easily maintain existing information, such as user roles (Admins, Senior Leaders, etc.) and team managers.

  1. Export your Friday Pulse user list from the ••• on the People page
  2. Compare it with an updated list from your HR system using email addresses as unique identifiers (Excel's VLOOKUP or other functionality to compare addresses can be useful here)
  3. Remove users from the Friday Pulse list who aren’t on the HR list
  4. Add users and details for those on the HR list but missing from the Friday Pulse list
  5. Remember to include your Account Owner (user type will be Admin); otherwise, the import will fail
  6. Review and update User type, Manager of and Access to fields using filters to ensure these are up to date
  7. Import the list to Friday Pulse
  • On the People page, click “Import”
  • Upload the file in .xls or .xlsx format
  • The importer will first validate your file – it may give you Errors, such as a Manager of name that doesn’t exist as a team or other group. These must be fixed. And/or Warnings, such as new team names. This should be checked before import
  • Fix any errors during validation and re-import until successful.

Option 2: Updating with a new list from your HR system

This option is best when frequent changes occur, like team name updates, but may additional checks and updates may be required to ensure users have the appropriate visibility and access permissions.

  1. Select the data to include, ensuring required columns are properly named (e.g., Email, First Name, Last Name, User Type). See the table below for column names.
  2. Prepare your HR export to match Friday Pulse’s format:
    • Required fields: Email, First Name, Last Name, and User type
    • Team hierarchy: “Team” can be used where there is no team hierarchy, Team 1, Team 2 etc should be used if you need a deeper team hierarchy
    • Update User types, Manager of and Access to fields to ensure users have the visibility and access required
  3. Note: Friday Pulse uses the email address as the unique identifier. If a user’s email address has changed, update it manually in the People area of your account before importing the list. This prevents creating a new user for the updated email address and retiring the old one
  4. Include any custom attributes using the correct column names from your current user list. You can see the column name for any custom attribute in your existing user list export
  5. Import the list to Friday Pulse
  • On the People page, click “Import”
  • Upload the file in .xls or .xlsx format
  • The importer will first validate your file – it may give you Errors, such as a Manager of name that doesn’t exist as a team or other group. These must be fixed. And/or Warnings, such as new team names. This should be checked before import
  • Fix any errors during validation and re-import until successful.
Column name Content
Email * Unique email address for the user
First name * User's given or known as name
Last name * User's last name
Team 3 Name of the highest level team the user is in - the parent of the user's Team 2
Team 2 Name of the second highest level team the user is in - a child of Team 3 and the parent of Team 1
Team 1 Name of the lowest level team the user is in - a child of Team 2
Manager of 1 Name of Team / Tag / Location etc the user manages
Manager of 2 Next name of Team / Tag / Location etc the user manages
Access to 1 Name of a different Team, or a Tag / Group / Location etc the user needs to access results of
Access to 2 Next name of a different Team, or a Tag / Group / Location etc the user needs to access results of
Location Name of the user's location
Gender Can be Male/Female/Non-binary
Date of birth Date of birth (formatted as a date in Excel)
Employment start date Date user started work (formatted as a date in Excel)
Tags Name of categories some users are in, different Tags to be separated with a ;
User type* Admin, Analyst or Senior leader (leave blank for standard Participant users)

(* denotes required fields)

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