How to allow Participant users visibility to other team and group results

Sometimes particular users need to be able to see the results of teams they are not “in”. This visibility can be given using the Manager of and Access to functions.

In Friday Pulse, all users can see the results of the team/s they are in in the user list, while advanced users can view results for all teams and groups. However, sometimes you might want to allow certain users to view the results of particular teams or other groups, but not results for all teams and groups. Access to and Manager of can be used to allow Participant users to see the results of Teams, Tags, Locations and other Custom Attribute groups you have added to your user list.


  • You have a manager of two sub teams, the manager might be in one or other (or neither) of the sub teams, but still need to be able to see the results for both sub teams, so you make the user “Manager of” the parent team to the sub teams.
  • You have a group of users with a “Happiness Champion” Tag and you wanted these users to be able to see the results for their Tag group, so you give all these user “Access to” the Happiness Champions tag group results.

Visibility overview

  • Admin, Analyst and Senior leader users: Can see scores and Notes of all groups and teams
  • Participant users: Can see team scores and Notes for their own team, plus scores of any parent team/s of their team
  • Manager of and Access to: Participant users that can see scores and Notes for a particular group or team, including child teams
  • Note: Friday Pulse is designed to protect individual privacy. Results are only shown when three or more people from a group have responded for all users
  • See more on why and how we share team and organizational results with employees here

Adding a user as Manager of or Access to via...

The user

  1. Go to the People page in Friday Pulse
  2. Select the user you want to modify
  3. Search for and select the team/s or group/s in the Access to or Manager of field
  4. Save the changes made

The group

  1. Go to the Team page or All groups page in Friday Pulse
  2. Select the team or attribute and then group you want to modify
  3. Search for and select the user/s in the Access to or Manager of field
  4. Save the changes made


  1. Export your user list from the ••• in the People area of your account
  2. Add group or team names under the Access to or Manager or columns
  3. One group or team name can be added per field, so Access to 1, Access to 2, or Manager of 1, Manager of 2 etc columns can be added to the import sheet
  4. Ensure team or group names match exactly how these appear elsewhere in the user list
  5. Import the user list

Tips for effective management

  • Regularly review and update permissions as team structures or user roles change to ensure everyone has appropriate results visibility to reflect any changes in your organization.
  • Ensure all users understand what their roles and permissions entail to use the platform effectively.