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User types in Friday Pulse

Discover the difference between Admins, Analysts, Senior leaders and Participants.

Adding a new user

Learn how to add a small number of new users to your user list.

Updating an existing user’s details

Find out how to update one of your user's details on Friday.

Adding more detail to your user list by import

Learn how to update multiple users with more detail by importing your user list.

Resetting a users responses

Admins can reset a users most recent responses quickly and easily within Friday

Setting user permissions

Learn how to set user's access permissions in Friday.

Giving users access to a groups results

Use our "Access to" feature to give users access to results for a Team they are not in, or results for another group of users in your account.

Custom Attributes groups in Friday

See scores of groups of users by the characteristics most relevant to your organization.

Tag groups in Friday Pulse

Use Tags to see results by certain characteristics that some but not all of your users have.

Adding and editing Locations

Use locations to track feeling in these areas and make sure users are sent emails at the right time.

Common user list issues

The most common user list problems we come across and how to quickly sort them...

Allowing users to update team and user details

Our Team Admin function allows you to let particular users keep teams and users up to date in specified teams, such as departments, without giving them access to the wider team structure.

Email delivery issues

Here are the steps to take if you see a notification in your Friday Pulse account that we couldn't deliver emails to some of your users.