Improving happiness as a team
All articles in this section
Tips for Managers: Discussing happiness each week
How to help your team open up about their feelings, and not go into “fixing” mode.
The Presentation view
The Presentation view in Friday has been designed to help guide you through discussing your weekly results as a team.
Traps to avoid when talking about happiness
There’s no “right” way to approach your Friday results, but there are a few traps people can fall in to when trying to discuss their scores.
Tips for expressing frustrations in conversation
It can be difficult to express a frustration. We worry it will come out wrong, or be interpreted incorrectly.
Tips for discussing frustrations as a team
The process for working through frustrations as a team.
Dealing with unexpected and persistent frustrations
How to anticipate and accept what cannot be changed.
An active listening guide
Active listening is a key component of successful conversations.
Ground rules for good conversations
Really get the most out of your Friday results discussion by agreeing some ground rules.
Top tips for successful conversations
Some points to think about or put in place to have the best happiness conversations.
Top tips for leading with happiness
Leading with happiness can be very powerful. Here are our tips.