MS Teams installation guide

This guide walks through setting up MS Teams app for your Friday Pulse account so that you can receive weekly flows, summaries and thank you notes on Teams chat through our Friday Pulse Bot.


  • The user must be an Admin user of Friday Pulse.
  • The user must be an admin of the organization's Microsoft account.

What you'll get!

Once integrated, you'll receive weekly flows, summaries and thank you notes through MS Teams.

How to integrate Friday Pulse and MS Teams

Step 1

Go to account settings in the top right hand corner of your account. Then click on the 'Integrations' tab.

Click on the green 'Connect' button next to the Microsoft teams logo to begin installation.


Follow the Microsoft login prompts, including filling in login credentials when prompted. Please note that we don't access your personal data, we just need the email address and Microsoft User ID to make the connection.

Step 2

After login has been completed with Microsoft, it will redirect you back to Friday Pulse with a spinner showing the progress.

Please note all the users on Friday Pulse must have the same email address as on their Microsoft Teams account. This is the same for the Slack integration.


If you have users that aren't linking to Friday Pulse, as you can see in the image above, check that their email address is correct in both Friday Pulse and Teams, then click re-sync.

All done!

What happens next?

All the users on your Friday Pulse account will receive a welcome message. The person installing the integration can additionally send a test message on their account to make sure that everyone is safely receiving the Teams notifications.


From now on, weekly flows, reminders and thank-yous will be delivered through the Teams Bot.





### What happens when a user is retired?

We automatically uninstall the Friday Pulse App from their MS teams account.

### What happens when a new user is added?

If the same user exists on the connected Microsoft account with the same email address, we automatically install the Friday Pulse App on their Teams account.

### What happens when the account gets cancelled?

We deactivate the MS teams integration and uninstall the Friday Pulse App from all users' MS teams accounts.

## Technical support

Please email us at in case of any technical issues.

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