Sustaining motivation and keeping work engaging

Staying motivated and finding meaning in our work can be challenging, especially when routines become repetitive or external pressures mount. But with the right mindset and actions, both motivation and interest in work can be maintained and even increased.

Maintaining motivation

This article combines practical strategies for keeping motivation high and making work more engaging for you and your team, grounded in Friday Pulse’s Five Ways to Happiness at Work framework.

1. Focus on what matters most

To stay motivated, focus on the areas where you and your team add the most value. Prioritize tasks that make a meaningful difference, relieving unnecessary pressure and boosting productivity. Regularly review your Inspire scores in Friday Pulse to gauge how well your team is staying engaged and where improvements might be needed.

2. Embrace cross-functional collaboration

Working across teams brings new perspectives and can spark innovation. Welcome and encourage cross-functional collaboration on projects to generate fresh ideas and insights. This not only keeps things interesting but also strengthens teamwork and builds broader connections within your organization.

3. Give and receive meaningful feedback

Consistent feedback is key to staying on track. Encouraging open, regular feedback within your team can help everyone feel supported and aligned. In a remote or hybrid environment, it’s especially important to ensure feedback is clear and actionable, keeping everyone engaged and improving performance.

4. Foster creativity with regular brainstorms

Creativity thrives when ideas are shared and developed collaboratively. Try setting aside time for regular brainstorming sessions where everyone can contribute. This encourages innovative thinking and helps keep the team energized. Don’t be afraid to explore “wild” ideas—some may lead to great breakthroughs.

5. Imagine and shape the future

Staying motivated means looking forward. Take time to envision what an ideal future looks like for you, your team and your organization, and work together to shape the parts of it you have influence over. Setting long-term goals and discussing how to achieve them will help keep you inspired as well as helping you collectively work towards a brighter future.