We feel good when we feel part of something bigger. By making our impact more visible, we get to feel the difference we're making more strongly.

1. Amplify the team's impact
Focus on the impact your team has to build positivity and pride, and then see where you can amplify this.
How to do it:
- Draw a map of all the colleagues, customers and work streams your team impacts.
- Think about whether there are any groups or work projects which your team could try and help out more.
- Consider whether any further action you could take would boost your collective sense of purpose.
2. Create an impact wall
An impact wall helps you see clearly where you have been making a difference.
How to do it:
- Find a visible space - online or in the office.
- Brainstorm all the ways the team’s work impacts your clients, customers, colleagues, stakeholders, and your wider community.
- Include any indirect contributions too as they are also important!
- Add everything to the wall and take it all in.
- Review the wall regularly together, updating and reflecting on your team’s impact
3. Identify individual impact
Take a moment to consider how the work of each team member contributes to the whole.
How to do it:
- Discuss the things each individual uniquely brings to the collective effort - their strengths, skills, enthusiasm and personality.
- Sometimes it’s easier to see how someone else’s work is important rather than assess our own contributions.
- Sharing how we view the importance of each other’s work, means we express appreciation, and this strengthens the sense that our work matters.