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How to cancel your Friday Pulse account

If you’re thinking about cancelling your Friday Pulse account, we encourage you to contact us first to discuss your plan and pricing options. We’re happy to explore ways to better support your needs.

However, if you still need to cancel, you can do so at any time. Only the Account Owner has permission to do this.

Tip: If you’re unsure who the Account Owner is, check your People page—the Account Owner is listed first with a yellow crown icon.

Steps to cancel your account

1. Go to Account Settings

  • Click your name at the top right corner.
  • Select Account Settings.

2. Access Billing

  • In the sidebar, click Billing.

3. Cancel your account

  • Click Cancel account
  • Follow the steps and please provide feedback on why you’re cancelling.

What happens next?

  • Your account will be paused immediately, but you’ll have 30 days to access and export any data or reports you want to keep.
  • After 30 days, your account will be fully deactivated, and you will no longer have access to your data.
  • If you decide to reactivate your account before the 30-day period ends, let us know so we can preserve your data and history.
  • If you pay monthly, your final payment will be taken when you cancel your account.

For more details, see our Privacy Policy or, if you have any further questions, please email