Could you be happier at work?

Take our quiz and find out! It takes just five minutes and you'll get a data-packed report afterwards.

Are teams talking about happiness?

To sustain and improve happiness at work, we need to do more than just measure it. We also need create a shared understanding about how things are and how we want them to be.

teams talking about happiness

A few weeks into using Friday we asked everyone to feedback whether they’ve been talking about happiness as a team.

We give three different response options to this question: Not yet, Sometimes and Every week.

Take a look at the most common response option and see what we recommend you do next. If your results are mixed, then you may need to use a combination of our recommendations.

Response: Not yet

Action: Remind everyone that to make sense of our experiences we need to talk about them. Regular check-ins are more powerful than deep dives. Every team should find 10 minutes each week to run through the custom Presentation that Friday provides.

Response: Sometimes

Action: This is a good sign – you and your colleagues are already talking about results some of the time. Establishing habits isn’t always easy so start by celebrating what’s going well. This ritual will help teams perform - and free up their time elsewhere!

Response: Every week

Action: Congratulations! You and colleagues have made happiness a habit. Now you’re in a great position to notice what makes you feel good, what sets you back and what helps teams build back better.