Supporting people to be themselves is important for happiness at work and motivation. It also frees up energy for other things and helps protect against mental exhaustion.
Mindfulness is known to reduce stress and anxiety and improve wellbeing. We recommend a Social Mindfulness approach because it integrates our sense of self with our work purpose. E.g. It can show us how through understanding ourselves and our emotions, we can regulate the mood of the group.
The insurance company Atena became a mindful organization after the CEO brought yoga and meditation to the workplace. Atena found that employees who took part in the mindfulness program had, on average, a 28% decrease in stress levels and 20% improvement in sleep quality. Productivity rose by an average of 62 minutes per week, and stock hit a record that was unseen before. Connecting mindfulness to business outcomes was seen as an important factor in the program's success.
Working in short bursts with frequent breaks aids productivity, focus and flow, and reduces the risk of fatigue.
Ariga and Lleras split people into three groups: one that worked without breaks, one that was told to take a break when distracted, and one that was told to ignore distractions. They found the groups who tried not to take breaks reduced in performance over time, but those who took breaks did not. Ariga and Lleras propose that the brain is built to detect and respond to change, and that prolonged attention to a single task actually hinders performance.
Grow the passion, energy and productivity that gets released when people connect to others’ purpose. This means aligning and reinforcing what the organization is trying to achieve and what the individual senses is their calling in life or their unique talent/s. For instance, in Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux, who argues that recruitment, training and appraisals are times to explore where individual and organizational purpose meet.